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Archive: Past Events & Projects

04.01.25 Schola Cantorum. Basilica di Santa Chiara, Napoli. Santa Messa / Concerto-meditazione "Hodie Christus Natus Est". 

12.27.24 Schola Cantorum "Tracce sonorevdall'Italia Longobarda: Seminario e concerto a cura di OrbiSophia."  Green Cave: "Natale in Grotta,"  Monte Sant'Angelo.​

16.12.24. Coro di voci bianche e laboratorio di Canto Beneventano dell'istituto Compensivo Statale indirizzo musicale "G.B. Bosco Lucarelli," Teatro Comunale Vittorio Emanule, Benevento.  

14.11.24 "Il patrimonio sonoro dei Longobardi." Intervegno di Tetyana Shyshnyak e Matthew Peattie a convengno Sulle tracce dei Longobardi: Convegno nazionale dell'Associazione Italia Longobardorum. Spoleto, IT. 

12.11.24 LabTV, Benevento with the participation of students from the coro di voci bianche dell'istituto Compensivo Statale indirizzo musicale "G.B. Bosco Lucarelli," Benevento, singers from the Schola Cantorum OrbiSophia, T. Shyshnyak, prof.  M. Peattie, dott. P. Bonelli. e dott. G. Maturo.

23.07.23 Schola Cantorum Concert: “ The Antiphons of Saint Barbatus”, Santa Maria dei Greci Church, Molinara (BN).

14.05.2023 Holy Mass in Beneventan Chant in Benedictine Sanctuary of Monte Vergine, Avellino.

17.04.2023 Schola Cantorum Concert “Twilight of the Lombards, antiphons sung from a thousand yearsago”, Santa Teresa Church, Benevento.

9.04.23. Schola Cantorum Concert, Easter 2023. “Exultet iam angelica” with Archeoclub of Apice, Santa Maria Assunta Church, Apice (BN)

7.01.23 Schola Cantorum participation in Choral Festival dedicated to Ukraine “Imagine: A Chant of Hope,” organized by Miria’s Gospel Choir, Basilica ofSan Bartoloemo, Benevento.

30.12.22 Concert of Schola Cantorum “HODIE XPISTUS NATUS EST ancient prayers of the Lombard Monastery of Santa Sofia”, Santa Sofia Church if Benevento.

26.11.22 Lectio-concerto of Beneventan chant with Inner Wheel Valle Caudina,Samnium Resort, Paolisi (BN).

30.09.22 Holy Mass in Beneventan Chant with the Knights of the Via Traiana and the Parish of Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte, Benevento.

12.09.22 Participation of Schola Cantorum in Theatral Piece “First Duke” of the Cultural association “Benevento Longobarda”, Roman Theater of Benevento.

20.08.22 Schola Cantorum concert:  “Summon the Archangel Michael under the stars - Lombard Christianity by candlelight and the ancient prayers of the Beneventan Chant”, Santa Maria dei Greci Church, Molinara (BN).

8.06.2022 Participation of Schola Cantorum in Choral Festival “San Menna”, Sanctuary of San Menna, Vitulano (BN), 

22.05.22 Participation of Tetyana Shyshnyak singing prayers of Beneventan Chant in video for SannioWeb TV in the Church of Santa Sofia of Benevento

27.12.2022. Christmas Concert of Beneventan Chant “United for Peace” in support of Ukraine, Parocchia Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, Mellizzano (BN).

18.12.2021 Concert of the Beneventan Chant “Expectatio Partus”, organized by Association “San Giorgio Martire Onlus”, the Monumental Complex of San Cultural Giorgio Martire in Petrella Tifernina (CB).

12.12.2021 Participation of Schola Cantorum in TV Show of RAI Uno “ Paese che vai.”

5-7.11.2021 Conference presentation by Tetyana Shyshnyak and Dr. Matthew Peattie in international conference on theme “Traditions and new languages: How to talk about Gregorian Chant to those who don't know Gregorian Chant” organized by Associazione Internazionale Studi di Canto Gregoriano (AISGre) Catania, Sicily.

4.11.21 Masterclass by Dr. Matthew Peattie “ Old Beneventan Chant: From old neumes to the new traditions in the 21st century." Monestary San Francesco, Benevento.

18.11.2021 Holy Mass in Beneventan Chant in Sanctuary of Archangel Michel, Gargagno.

2021 Solemn mass in Benevento chant for the translation of the statue of San Michele Arcangelo from Monte Sant'Angelo to Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte (BN).

16-17.09.21 Master class by Dr. Alessandro De Lillo "Beneventan singing: reading of neumes and performance practice", Monastery of San Francesco, Benevento, 16-17.09.2021.

2021 Creation, in collaboration with the FAI Benevento Delegation, of the educational workshop for children and adults "My favorite Neuma".

13.04.2018 "Il canto beneventano nel mondo" (The Beneventan Chant in the World).  Conference with Keynote 'Lectiomagistralis' by Dr. Matthew Peattie.  Conference organized by by th Associatione Internazionale OrbiSophia at the Camera di Commercio di Benevento, Benevento.

2019-2024 Schola Cantorum OrbiSophia.  Womens Choir dedicated to Beneventan Chant. 

07.2017-05.2018 “Vox Pacem – a voice for peace” project. A choir of African girls, war refugees and guests of a refugee center of the “Il Faro” cooperative (Apice, Province of Benevento) with a repertoire of Canto Beneventano and contemporary Christian songs from Nigeria and Cameroon. The concerts were held in the Basilica San Bartolomeo, Benevento, in the Church of the Annunciata Ave Gratia Plena in Guardia Sanframondi (BN), the Church of Santa Maria Assunta and San Bartolomeo, Apice (BN), in the Palazzo Paolo V, Benevento, the 'Abbey of S. Anastasia di Ponte (BN), the Conference Room of the Benevento Chamber of Commerce, and a final concert with an extraordinary performance at the Vatican Museums, Vatican City, on 25 May 2018.

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